Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects
Since its founding, MTRS has accumulated broad experience in national infrastructure projects executed in collaboration with the public and private sectors (PPP), based on the Concession and BOT (Build, Operate and Transfer) methods, from the side of the project initiator (a government) as well as from the side of the concessionaire and its contractors, via an SPC (Special Project Company (SPC) and its EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) body.
Within the framework of the company’s activity in multiple PPP projects, it has provided professional support from the project inception phase, through the planning, design and execution phase, to the operational phase. In projects where MTRS has taken part from the initiator side, its expertise has been demonstrated in:
Defining requirements pertaining to security and emergency situations for designers, in the feasibility test phase, the statutory planning and preliminary design phase, as well as providing professional support for the design team throughout the entire design phase.
Defining requirements relating to security, protective components and architectural elements for architects and designers of infrastructures and super structures.
Preparing specifications for design and execution tenders in the areas of physical security, cyber security and emergency handling – security systems, physical protective means, security and operational command & control centers, communication means and systems, information and cyber security means protecting mission critical systems, guidelines for architects and interior decorators, and detailed physical security and information security instructions for contractors throughout the execution phase.
Monitoring and control of the design processes of the various systems in which the company’s experts specialize – conceptual design, preliminary design, detailed design and final design.
Providing professional support during the systems testing phases – factory acceptance tests (FAT), site tests, integration tests, operational tests and trial runs, up till the handover to the project operator and maintainer.
Coordinating the design, execution and testing processes with regulatory bodies responsible for security, emergency preparedness, civil defense and cyber security.
Coordinating the design, execution and testing processes with the operator and maintainer, with emphasis on security systems and emergency and crisis incident management systems.