Large Events
Despite the numerous terrorist attacks that preceded and succeeded 9/11, the events of that day clearly highlighted the sieve-like security plans of facilities believed to be secured. These acts of well planned and prepared organized terror, which resulted in thousands of deaths and massive destruction, caused citizens to hesitate whether to attend large-scale entertainment and sporting events that were potential targets for large-scale terror attacks.
These threats joined the existing threats that were already present on the international sporting scene – of spontaneous violence perpetrated by sports hooligans, including, for example, beer bottle throwing incidents, physical attacks of fans by fans, and fans attacking coaches and referees. In extreme cases these extended beyond the scope of the stadiums and escalated into violent riots in adjacent neighborhoods, and endangering fans making their way home after a match. Dealing with such incidents became a permanent challenge for sporting clubs, police and security forces.
As a slumping economy and a plethora of televised sporting and entertainment events combine with various threats of terror, facility managers witness dwindling attendance, and find themselves forced to constantly reassure patrons of their safety when attending such events. The need to protect their players, fans, executives and physical assets from this broader range of threats has placed additional pressure on football club owners, requiring them to find effective, cost-beneficial solutions and adopt a proactive approach.